Thursday, 22 January 2015

Level Design

'Beginning Game Level Design' by John Feil and MarcScattergood

I am using the book 'Beginning Game Level Design' by John Feil and Marc Scattergood to help me with the initial stages of game design. Using the hints and tips to begin my level design for my environment, I aim to have a thorough visual image in my head and on paper, ready to be converted to a 3D environment.

Know Your Audience and Know Your Genre

Genre: Psychological Horror (Story)
Audience: Anyone who is a fan of this genre and story based games (12 years and up)

Example Games (That I have Played)

Alan Wake
This game had a lot of potential however for me, I found it quite repetitve. It seemed that all the enemies were the same and each time you were being chased, it felt the same, apart from the environment. As for the experience I look to create, I won't be having enemies of any kind as it will be a story. I do however aim to have the different 'parts' of the story, as different and unique to each other as possible in order for each one to be as interesting and creepy as the other.

Project Zero II - Crimson Butterfly
This is one of if not the most scariest game I have ever played. As you explore the map you are constantly in fear of something happening. The atmosphere has been captured fantastically in order to keep the player on their toes. I will look to accomplish this in the later part of my own interactive experience.

I am looking to create an interactive experience that uses subtle horror techniques to have the user on edge whilst understanding the story. Personally I find sudden loud/surprising scenes in horror games ineffective and only scary due to the 'jump' - caused by the noise. I hope to enhance this technique in a more original manner. (If I decided to use this technique). As for creating the rest of the horror atmosphere, I shall be using traditional horror methods focusing heavily on lighting and sound.

First Impressions - The beginning

The first part of my game will be set in a hotel. This is merely and introduction part so there is no major events that happen here. Instead, it will be used to communicate subtly the story of who you are and why you are there, as well as give the player a chance for the feel of the game and how it works before moving on the the next part of the game. I must be careful to make this as enticing as possible otherwise, the player will loose interest before even attempting the main section of the game.

The Middle

The main bulk of my game is being set in a mental asylum. Many different events will happen here in order to convey the story. I will begin developing this once the hotel is around 80% complete. I am not sure how but I hope I can create it so that once you start the asylum level - everything from the hotel 'disappears' in order to reduce processing power needed. I will need to look into this.

The Ending

At this point I am not fully sure on how to end it effectively. It is important I do this right. I need to have the whole story told and understood by the player. I have a few ideas but they could all change depending on how the project develops so I have decided to plan this when the asylum part is around 60-70% complete. I will be looking into a climax as well as a denouement for an effective ending.

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