Tuesday, 10 March 2015

Event04 - 'Fire At Orphange'

This is the last major event before the concluding part (which will be completed next week) This event makes reference to the fire at the local orphanage caused by Roseanne's father. This will be a very dramatic scene and ideally be quite disturbing when experienced. The reason for this is when I read it, I found it quite an unsettling scene.

What Happens

  1. You enter a room which is a dormitory. Upon exploring the room you discover a few pieces of note paper (explaining a part of the story)
  2. When you leave the room, the door shuts and you hear screaming and see smoke coming from the door.
  3. Upon entering the room, you see the whole room is on fire - smoke everywhere
  4. You leave the room again and the hotel hallway changes once more
  5. The hotel hallway now becomes, an asylum hallway
Event04 - 'Fire At Orphanage'

Personal Notes

This will be bringing my piece to an end (next week will be final event). I want to make sure this fire scene is visually fantastic as it has a lot of potential. I will be much happier once everything is done and I can then focus my time, purely on enhancing the project as oppose to creating it. - Knowing that it is complete to a certain degree will be much more relaxing.

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